I just have this one thing to say, Lord.
I've held it back for so long
...I'm sorry.
I had no excuse.
Maybe, I thought it was too simple a thing to say.
Simple, huh?
Now, well, I guess I realise that, most times, the simple things are the most important in life.
So, its simple, yes!
But it's also important!!!
So, so important, Lord!
It's THANK YOU, Lord!!!
Thank you for it all:
The bad times and the good times
The sorrows and the joys
The losses and the wins
The tears and the laughs
The foes and the friends
The burdens and the gifts...
Thank You, Lord
You knew best
And You gave me what I needed
Sometimes, I asked for more
And you gave me less
Sometimes, I asked for less
And you gave me more...
For all these, my lips flow with endless praise
A well of thanksgiving from within my heart
Thank You
Is all I have to say.