and retrieve bodies from the sea…as the boat of the African migrant sank …” on and on and on.
My mind, funny enough, just jumped to one word. Divers.
These divers. Some of them may have been on vacation. Some may
have been having a nice “family” time. Others yet, may have had other pressing engagements. But as it stands now, they have been called. Called to scour the sea for bodies. Bodies of dead Africans who were escaping a bleak future. These divers are the closest to the mess now: Africa’s mess.
have been having a nice “family” time. Others yet, may have had other pressing engagements. But as it stands now, they have been called. Called to scour the sea for bodies. Bodies of dead Africans who were escaping a bleak future. These divers are the closest to the mess now: Africa’s mess.
So I hear most of the dead are Somalis and Eritreans. This
is the Somalia Al Shabab absolutely insists on making a mess of. Hmm!
I close my eyes now…and I have a vision. Immediately I see
an image. I see the presidents of Africa. Funny enough, I see all of them in
one view. Some are having dinner with the accompanying wine and guffawing with
their cronies. I see some of them going into meetings…and seminars. And I can
see the aides; the organizers…all working with figures running into the
thousands; to organize these conferences. My vision is sent to the end of one
such conference… and I see there are refreshments. I see the buffet table.
There is every kind of goodie; for the leaders of Africa.
And I see again, the Divers of
Lampedusa…tired…fatigued…fighting to save African lives. Dead lives. Please my
friends, I am being serious. I am having deep spiritual insights here.
I see again…I see a civil servant. He is frantic. He has
just received a call from the aide of a President. It appears to be about his
per diem. There’s something wrong with it. He took a trip to the U.S.A for the
Global Warming Summit and that seems not to have been added. He spent a week.
I see again, the Divers of Lampedusa. They are fatigued.
They’ve picked out 111 bodies already. Around 200 more to go.
Oh but wait! I still see them. A 25 car motorcade…whizzing by. Ordinary folk
turn heads. “Primus inter pares”. Hmmm! These visions are heavy. But they are
my lot.
I am here now; in the realms of the physical, and my brain
takes over.
What was so terrible that these 500 thereabout people were
fleeing? They were fleeing the HOPELESS corruption in Africa. They are fleeing
you, Your Excellency, and your promises of utopia. Their flight is an
indictment on you and your ability. They do not trust you. They do not believe
in you. To them, you’re as good as not
there. You’re none existent. They’d rather try their slim chance at this
dangerous feat than hope in you; a tangible, able human being who can make
their lives better.
They are fleeing because some of their own people, with the
power to give them hope, are egotistical and inhumane. Some of you are
criminally incompetent and corrupt and you’re wasting their time; and they must
What else my friend? Africa’s is NOT quicksand. It will not
swallow us. It does not. Corruption and incompetence are!
I am glad I am no African leader now. You guys should be
ASHAMED of yourselves. Your citizens lie dead on another country’s shores.
Shame! These Divers are searching for bodies of you country’s citizens. You’re
probably having dinner. And they were fleeing you!
Some are escaping war you say? Yes! But wars are not rained
from the skies. Wars come about as a result of people’s egos, people’s
lawlessness. It all comes from PEOPLE. And to those Al Shababs and so called
“Rebels” and so on and so forth, I say shame on you. The bodies of these
Africans on the shores of Lampedusa accuse you. You Mr. President! And you, Mr.
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